I love my nCAP devices! I have been using them for about 6 months now, for 2 problems. They have made my daily life much more enjoyable. I have peripheral neuropathy in my right foot, and sometimes the pain gets to about 8 (my “10” is kidney stones - which they say is the worst pain a male can feel, and I can believe it). I have found that when I put a device between the pain and my brain, somewhere around my ankle, I get relief immediately. But what has amazed me is that when I wear the device continuously (except for taking showers) for 3-4 days, the pain *completely* disappears for *weeks!* You can imagine what a huge blessing that is. It still astonishes me. I actually ordered my nCAP devices to help with my rotator cuffs. Each shoulder has a tendon that MRI shows is shredded and barely intact. I’m not able to have surgery at this time. Pain killer meds do not touch this pain at all. On a good day, these give me a pain level of 7, every second of the day. The pain wakes me up several times at night. On a bad day, it’s at 9, 60 seconds/60 minutes/24 hours. It not only wakes me up, it makes it hard to get back to sleep. On these days, there’s not much activity of any kind that I can do. Even the slight jarring from just walking around brings pain. The devices reduce this down to 3, and sometimes down to 1. This is wonderful, I can sleep through the night, I can work through the day. Considering that every tiny movement I make with my hands or arms - including using a computer mouse, eating a meal, scratching a knee, etc. - aggravates and strains the few threads of tendon I have left, this pain relief is excellent. I recommend nCAP devices to everyone. They REALLY WORK!!! I tell people, “Just try one for a few days, see what happens, you’ll be glad you did!” They usually feel better in minutes. Thank you for a literally life-changing product!

