I love my nCAP devices! I have been using them for about 6 months now, for 2 problems. They have made my daily life much more enjoyable. I have peripheral neuropathy in my right foot, and sometimes the pain gets to about 8 (my “10” is kidney stones - which they say is the worst pain a male can feel, and I can believe it). I have found that when I put a device between the pain and my brain, somewhere around my ankle, I get relief immediately. But what has amazed me is that when I wear the device continuously (except for taking showers) for 3-4 days, the pain *completely* disappears for *weeks!* You can imagine what a huge blessing...
I bought the patch for my husband. My husband is a disabled veteran with multiple service related injuries that cause him chronic, severe pain every day. He has back, neck and shoulder injuries and has been prescribed pain pills and has had multiple surgical procedures performed in an attempt to alleviate his pain, but it never lasts long; the pain always returns just as strong as before. I received the patch in the mail today, and immediately opened, read the instructions and applied it to my husband's back. The pain did not immediately go away, like the people in the videos we saw, but you have to understand, his pain is SEVERE to the point that some days he cannot...
Chronic pain sucks. I tore my rotator cuff at work several years ago. The last few years my pain was through the roof 10. My whole left arms goes numb. Two years ago, my husband purchased one of your devices for me. I knew it was junk. How many products on the market make promises and fall seriously short? But when my husband does something thoughtful, I gotta follow through. After the first hour....no pain. No numbness. For the first time in many years I don't have to choose narcotics or pain. For two years, I haven't had to take a narcotic for my shoulder pain. The sky is blue and bright. I am happy. I am pain free. You did...
I ordered the 4 " patch to see what it would do because my daughter was having rotaor cuff surgery Tuesday the 10th.The pain block wore off in the night and she had a hard time getting the pain back under control. The patch arrived Wed and I took it to her. We held it on her neck and after a few minutes the pain lessened in her arm and the arm relaxed. We taped it on her neck with first aid tape. She called this morning, Thursday, and no pain and she slept all night!! When I saw that thin piece of black patch, I was glad I had the refund option. Had no idea what miraculous relief it...
Sometimes, when you say amazing...it could resonate with unbelievable and not real. But it's real, it solve in few minutes a old and bad pain with my shoulder. I've also tested with a pain with my lower abdomen: it's working very well. My wife tested with a shoulder pain: it works again. As I'm an retired Electronic Engineer, I understand the operating mode and validate it in concept mode and in real life mode. Many thanks & kind regards from France (the only think to improve is the shipping cost to Europe, which is close to be equal to the product price).
I have been using the ncap for about a month & a half now .. I was introduced to it in Utah June 2020 at the usana summer concerts where I work. I have fibromyalgia, Restless legs, arthritis, pain in my shoulder ( 3 surgeries & a shoulder replacement) back pain, feet pain, hip pain ..... I cannot believe how great these patch’s ( I have several different sizes ) have given me 99.9% pain relief.. I feel like a 40-year-old in a 71-year-old body .. it is wonderful .. I gave one to my granddaughter who suffers from back pain (from being on the drill team at high school) & terrible menstrual cramps .. she says 😮 wow gramma...
I hurt my shoulder at work. I didn’t go to the doctor because I knew they’d just give me a pocketful of pills. For the last couple of months it has been painful to sleep. My husband heard about this patch on the radio and purchased one for me. I was skeptical.....really skeptical. Actually, I just knew it was junk. I was wrong. This patch has allowed me to sleep without pain. I cannot tell you how peaceful a good night sleep can be. Also, the patch is helping to strengthen my shoulder because it is easier and less painful to use it. While, I do not recommend people avoid going to a physician when they’re sick or injured, this...
I suffer from Fibromyalgia and for now I love my patch. I can tell a big difference in pain management when I wear it. It doesn't completely remove the stiffness and pain, but it seems to help minimize both. I wear it all over my back--lower is where I have specific, compromised areas, but also on my shoulder blades, and neck. I can tell an immediate difference most days that I put it on. And I can definitely tell a difference when I don't. A specific example - I have been dealing with very painful leg cramps for years. I have medication for it and it helps, but I don't like being on medications for too long. And these cramps...