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Tag: research

Dr. Jacques Chelly to Study Use of nCAP NeuroCuple(tm) for Pain Management after Hip Replacement Surgery

Read entire article here.

Drug-Free Pain Relief with Nanotechnology (Signal Relief White-paper)

Signal Relief has published a white paper.  This white paper covers health statistics of chronic pain in the United States and the approach Signal Relief employs to reduce pain. It will discuss the novel product in the Signal Relief portfolio, the Signal Relief Patch, designed to greatly improve comfort in those experiencing pain.  You can find this study here.

Novel Technological Advances Pain Relief (A study of the Kailo Patch)

Clarity Science LLC has published a study of the Kailo patch in Anesthesia & Pain Research ISSN 2639-846X. Using Nanotechnology to Improve Pain and Function with a Novel, Drug-Free, passive Pain-Relief Patch: An Interim Analysis,” represents preliminary outcomes from PREVENT (Pain Relief: Experience and Validity: Evaluating NanoTechnology), an IRB-approved, minimal risk, observational study.  Study can be found here