How can The PainRelief.io® device help?
Pain Facts
One in three people worldwide suffers from chronic pain! If you’re one of them, chronic pain interferes with your life-impacting your mood, limiting your activities, and preventing you from sleeping.
Many sufferers of chronic pain may be surprised to find out that common pain relief options and prescribed opioids may prevent one’s body from healing.
Although there are many methods to relieve pain – prescription drugs and procedures, over-the-counter plasters and patches, herbal and other natural recipes – the sad truth is that most of them don’t help you heal.
Why? Because almost all of these pain-relieving methods are designed to “dumb down” your nervous system. How? They mainly work to interrupt the communication between your body’s pain signals and the brain. They do this mainly by slowing down the signals, preventing them from reaching your brain, or a TENS injects an alternative electrical stimulus to distract your brain from registering the pain in your body.
On the other hand, The PainRelief.io® device enhances your body’s pain signals bi-directionally. By improving communication between your brain and your pain, The PainRelief.io® device allows your brain to clearly receive the pain signals – which then enables your brain to assist your body's natural healing processes. Instead of blocking the pain signals or telling the brain to ignore your body’s pain, The PainRelief.io® device helps your brain receive the pain signal – and then resolve the pain.
The PainRelief.io® device works with your body’s electrical system to help your brain do one of the jobs it’s meant to do: identify and resolve pain. This bi-directional process allows your brain to focus more on healing and less on screaming! Your pain level is lowered and a feeling of well-being is re-established.
The best part about the PainRelief.io® device is how fast it works – often immediately!
As soon as you place it near the pain, the PainRelief.io® device works to turn down all the static and improve communication between your brain and the pain. Many people feel their pain dimming – and even disappearing – within minutes!
The PainRelief.io® device is completely non-invasive. It adds zero drugs, zero electricity, zero anything into your body! It simply helps your brain and pain talk to each other better and faster.
The PainRelief.io® device works – and without any side effects! No addiction, no dizziness, no dry mouth – nothing! Because The PainRelief.io® device adds nothing to your body, it requires no compensation or adjustment by your body!
The PainRelief.io® device works quickly and accurately and can be reused for many years when cared for properly. It works for many types of pain and in many parts of your body. Whether it’s a pain you’ve lived with for days, months, or years – The PainRelief.io® device can help!
Rhett Spencer Arab Health Trade Show
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About Our Products
It's simple to use! Just place the device above your pain - Between the Pain and the Brain® - and your pain will begin to fade away in minutes. All in a thin, reusable, wearable device. No batteries, no wires, no smelly oils, no drugs and it's fast acting!!
The device is constructed with our patented Neurocuple® layer sealed between two waterproof layers. Once placed in the correct location the Neurocuple® layer is activated directly by the energy from the users own body, after a few minutes a hot, cold or tingling sensation is felt by the user as the pain fades.
The PainRelief.io® device is a general wellness product that helps promote physical activity for users with chronic and intermittent pain, which, as part of a healthy lifestyle, may help living with these conditions, and may delay the onset of related disabilities.