My son recommended your product to me with a very strong personal review so I purchased the small and medium devices and tried them on some rib pain that I had after a fall. Put the small (rectangular) device on my lower chest and instantly lost the pain. I wore the device for several hours with no pain. But, unlike I'd read in some online reviews, my pain didn't return when I removed the device. Later that same day, the injured rib started aching in my back so I use the larger (square) device there and, again, no pain. I wore it for several hours as well and, just as with the chest application, no pain after I removed the device. I then retired for the night without pain and slept soundly all night. I don't understand the mechanics of how this works although I've known for a long time that our bodies are electro-chemical "devices" so interrupting the "energy" flow can reduce or eliminate pain (having successfully used acupressure before), but however you've created the "resistance" to the pain path, it surely works. Thanks for a great tool!
Bill C
Rhett Spencer Arab Health Trade Show
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About Our Products
It's simple to use! Just place the device above your pain - Between the Pain and the Brain® - and your pain will begin to fade away in minutes. All in a thin, reusable, wearable device. No batteries, no wires, no smelly oils, no drugs and it's fast acting!!
The device is constructed with our patented Neurocuple® layer sealed between two waterproof layers. Once placed in the correct location the Neurocuple® layer is activated directly by the energy from the users own body, after a few minutes a hot, cold or tingling sensation is felt by the user as the pain fades.
The® device is a general wellness product that helps promote physical activity for users with chronic and intermittent pain, which, as part of a healthy lifestyle, may help living with these conditions, and may delay the onset of related disabilities.