I've dealt with severe, chronic, abdominal pain issues since 2003. This was especially tough on me because my background is not only the medical field, but also I am a former athlete After several surgeries and constant pain management, I've been able to enjoy some relief, but definitely not 100%. It has impacted my life in a myriad of undesirable ways. Taking pain pills can makes things temporarily better but also seriously complicate your condition at the same time. In November 2018, I tried Ncap with a somewhat hopeful, but "jury is still out" reservation until I knew for sure it would help. As a researcher, I am accustomed to testing theories, ideas and products for a variety of purposes. I put Ncap through a demanding obstacle course, to eliminate any possibility of the "placebo effect" which can affect the purity of research data. I am pleased to say that Ncap works and works well! While I cannot guarantee you that it will relieve all or part of your pain, I can tell you unequivocally that Ncap performed beyond my expectations! Honestly, you have nothing to lose to give it a try, except that is, your pain! So, order an Ncap product today and hopefully you will experience the joy of diminishing your pain levels without the side effects. This will make you a happier and healthy person, guaranteed!
David Crews Ph.D.
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About Our Products
It's simple to use! Just place the device above your pain - Between the Pain and the Brain® - and your pain will begin to fade away in minutes. All in a thin, reusable, wearable device. No batteries, no wires, no smelly oils, no drugs and it's fast acting!!
The device is constructed with our patented Neurocuple® layer sealed between two waterproof layers. Once placed in the correct location the Neurocuple® layer is activated directly by the energy from the users own body, after a few minutes a hot, cold or tingling sensation is felt by the user as the pain fades.
The® device is a general wellness product that helps promote physical activity for users with chronic and intermittent pain, which, as part of a healthy lifestyle, may help living with these conditions, and may delay the onset of related disabilities.