Broke my toe this summer. Had it X-rayed again several months later and it had not healed hardly at all. It has been causing me extreme pain, so they put me in a walking boot so I didn't injure my ankle by walking funny. I'm so tired of it hurting. I acquired a pain patch right before our trip to Disney World with the grand kids. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to enjoy the trip because of the pain I had been in but I actually did very well. I thought for sure we'd have to rent a wheel chair but we didn't. I am AMAZED! I walked all day with the patch inside my boot - there was a little pain by the end of the day but nothing like before. We went a second day to Disney World and I didn't even wear my boot just the patch inside my stocking. I may have overdone it because I woke up in the middle of the night with my toe throbbing! I put the patch back on and the pain was gone within about 15 minutes!!! I slept soundly the rest of the night. I'm a believer!



Tags: ankle, toe